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Book cover of My Evil Twin is a SupervillainHopefully you enjoyed reading 'My Evil Twin is a Supervillain' – but just how well did you read it? See if you can answer these quiz questions:
Not read it yet? Read My Evil Twin is a Supervillain now.

  1. Who is Stellar?
  2. Why did Luke miss out on getting super powers?
  3. What is the name of Luke’s brother and the name of his superpowered twin?
  4. What is S.C.A.R.F. ?
  5. What is Serge’s hobby?
  6. Who was Wayne?
  7. What does Luke call his Maths teacher?
  8. What type of shop is Luke’s dad opening?
  9. In what town is the story set?
  10. What is the name of the giant supervillain who threatens to destroy the world?
  11. How does Luke find out about the imminent end of the world?
  12. How long did they have to stop the 2 worlds colliding?

Click here for the answers

Create Your Own Evil Twin

Stellar is Luke’s superpowered twin from another dimension. Luke dislikes him immensely and suspects he has come to earth with an evil plan. What can it be? But Luke is also envious of his superpowers – and his rocket powered shoes!
Could you invent your own Evil Twin? What would you call him? Remember his name will suggest something about his character or skills. Plot your ideas in the table below in the table below:

Reason for Name:  

Write a paragraph about your evil twin in the style of David Solomons. His writing is funny, descriptive and uses lots of funny similes (comparisons using like or as).

Now can you draw a picture of your evil twin, with labels and explanations.

Superhero Jokes

Can you match these superhero jokes with their punch lines at the bottom of the page?

  • How did Spider-Man learn how to make his spider-suit?
  • What did Bruce Wayne’s Mum put over his baby crib?
  • What did the doctor say when told the invisible man was there?
  • What do you call a bathroom superhero?
  • What do you call a computer superhero?
  • What’s Spiderman’s favourite day of the week?
  • Where do most superheroes live?
  • Which Superhero is the most curious?

See the joke answers here

Quiz Answers

  1. Who is Stellar? Luke’s superpowered twin from a parallel dimension to earth.
  2. Why did Luke miss out on getting super powers? He went for a wee at the crucial time!
  3. What is the name of Luke’s brother and the name of his superpowered twin? Zack Parker and Star Lad.
  4. What is S.C.A.R.F. ? Superhero Covert Alliance Reaction Force
  5. What is Serge’s hobby? Baking
  6. Who was Wayne? Luke’s gerbil.
  7. What does Luke call his Maths teacher? Mrs Endless.
  8. What type of shop is Luke’s dad opening? A comic shop.
  9. In what town is the story set? Bromley
  10. What is the name of the giant supervillain who threatens to destroy the world? Gordon the World Eater.
  11. How does Luke find out about the imminent end of the world? The squirrel spelled it out using Scrabble tiles.
  12. How long did they have to stop the 2 worlds colliding? 22 minutes


Joke Answers

  • Cape Town
  • A bat mobile
  • Flush Gordon
  • The World Wide Web
  • Tell him I can’t see him
  • Flyday
  • Wonder Woman
  • A screen saver

Page last updated: 18th January 2021