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Diversity for 6-9 Years

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To reflect the diversity of our multicultural society.
Click on the book cover to see which libraries have copies, or e-books and request for free if you are under 16.


Amazing Grace by Mary Hoffman

Amazing Grace by Mary Hoffman
Grace loves acting and longs to play Peter Pan at school.

Here Comes Lolo by Niki Daly

Here Comes Lolo
by Niki Daly

Lolo skips through life, leaving a trail of laughter and a few frowns, in these four easy to read stories.

Henry's Freedom Box by Ellen Levine

Henry's Freedom Box by Ellen Levine
a true story from the Underground Railroad

Anna Hibiscus by Atinuke

Anna Hibiscus by Atinuke
Anna lives with her family in Africa with her family, they prepare for a party, splash in the sea and dream of snow

Malala's Magic Pencil by Malala Yousafzai

Malala's Magic Pencil by Malala Yousafzai
This beautifully illustrated picture book tells Malala's story, in her own words

extraordinary life of Rosa Parks

extraordinary life of Rosa Parks
Rosa Parks, the woman known for refusing to give up her seat on the bus, triggered a great shift in the fight for civil rights.

Mufaro's Beautiful Daughters by John Steptoe

Mufaro's Beautiful Daughters by John Steptoe
The two girls react differently to to the kings search for a wife.

Betsey Biggalow is Here by Malorie Blackman

Betsey Biggalow is Here
by Malorie Blackman

Join Betsey on four short, sun-filled adventures as she learns you don't have to be big to make a big difference.

Girl Wonder and the Terrific Twins by Malorie Blackman

Girl Wonder and the Terrific Twins by Malorie Blackman
When Maxine has a plan, you can be sure it involves her twin brothers Anthony and Edward

Coming to England by Floella Benjamin

Coming to England by Floella Benjamin
Floella Benjamin reveals the hopes and fears, and the pain she experienced when leaving the Caribbean for an unfriendly new life in England.

My Grandma and Me by Mina Javaherbin

My Grandma and Me by Mina Javaherbin
Mina growing up with her grandma in Iran who is the centre of her world.

Azzi In Between by Sarah Garland

Azzi In Between by Sarah Garland
Azzi and her parents are in danger. They have to leave their home and escape to another country

My Beautiful Voice by Joseph Coleho

My Beautiful Voice by Joseph Coleho
a moving, lyrical picture book about a shy child unlocking the power of their own voice through poetry..

Fred Wizard in Trouble by Simon Philip

Fred Wizard in Training by Simon Philip
Fred discovers that sometimes magic isn't the answer and that he has other talents that can help him solve the mystery.

Too Small Tola and the Three Fine Girls by Atinuke

Too Small Tola and the Three Fine Girls by Atinuke
Three charming stories about a young girl who lives in Lagos with her sister, Moji, who is very clever; her brother, Dapo, who is very fast; and Grandmummy, who is very bossy.

Astro Girl by Ken Wilson-Max

Astro Girl by
Ken Wilson-Max

While Mama is away, Papa and Astrid have fun acting out the challenges an astronaut faces in space.

Hair Love by Matther A Cherry

Hair Love by Matthew A Cherry
Daddy steps in to style Zuri's hair for an extra special occasion, he has a lot to learn.

Fangs by Malorie Blackman

Fangs by Malorie Blackman
Nathan's mum hates spiders and won't let Nathan buy a tarantula....

Page last updated: 1st November 2021