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Non-Fiction for Younger Readers

TobaccoDEBOO, Ana

Heinemann 9780431907758
A concise but comprehensive book for younger children with information about the history of tobacco, why people smoke and the effects on health of smoking.  An informative book without being preachy.



Non-Fiction for Older Readers

SmokingBINGHAM, Jane

Heinemann 9780431107967
A detailed look at smoking, why people smoke and the health and social impact of smoking.  What's the Deal series.



TobaccoCONNOLLY, Sean

Heinemann 0431097801
Presents the facts in a no-nonsense way.



TobaccoLYNETTE, Rachel

Heinemann 9780431907390
An informative book with a no-nonsense approach and hard facts about smoking and its effect on the body.  Real Deal series.



SmokingSANDERS, Bruce

Watts 0749653957
Looks at why people smoke, when and where they smoke and how it makes them feel.



Page last updated 27th June 2012
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