Series by Adam Blade

Series Home

Beast QuestFerno the Fire Dragon

  1. Ferno the Fire Dragon

  2. Speron the Serpent

  3. Arcta the Mountain Giant

  4. Tagus the Horse-Man

  5. Nanook the Snow Monster

  6. Epos the Flame Bird

  7. Zepha the Monster Squid

  8. Claw the Giant Monkey

  9. Soltra the Stone Charmer

  10. Vipero the Snake Man

  11. Archanid the King of Spiders

  12. Trillion the Three Headed Lion

  13. Torgor the Minotaur

  14. Skor the Winged Stallion

  15. Narga the Sea Monster

  16. Kayman the Gorgon Hound

  17. Tusk the Mighty Mammoth

  18. Sting the Scorpion Man

  19. Nixa The Death Bringer

  20. Equinus the Spirit Horse

  21. Rashouk the Cave Troll

  22. Luna the Moon Wolf

  23. Blaze the Ice Dragon

  24. Stealth the Ghost Panther

  25. Krabb Master of the Sea

  26. Hawkite, Arrow of the Air

  27. Rokk the Walking Mountain

  28. Koldo the Arctic Warrior

  29. Trema the Earth Lord

  30. Amictus the Bug Queen

  31. Komodo the Lizard King

  32. Muro the Rat Monster

  33. Fang the Bat Fiend

  34. Murk the Swamp Man

  35. Terra Curse of the Forest

  36. Vespick the Wasp Queen

  37. Convol the Cold-Blooded Brute

  38. Hellion the Fiery Foe

  39. Krestor the Crushing Terror

  40. Madara the Midnight Warrior

  41. Ellick the Lightening Horror

  42. Carnivora the Winged Scavenger

  43. Balisk the Water Snake

  44. Koron Jaws of Death

  45. Hecton the Body Snatcher

  46. Torno the Hurrican Dragon

  47. Kronus the Clawed Menace

  48. Bloodboar the Buried Doom

  49. Ursus the Clawed Roar

  50. Minos the Demon Bull

  51. Koraka the Winged Assassin

  52. Silver the Wild Terror

  53. Spikefin the Water King

  54. Torpix the Twisting Serpent

  55. Noctila the Death Owl

  56. Shamani the Raging Flame

  57. Lustor the Acid Dart

  58. Voltrex the Two-Headed Octopus

  59. Tecton the Armoured Giant

  60. Doomskull the King of Fear


Chronicles of AvantiaBook jacket for Chronicles of Avantia

  1. First Hero

  2. Chasing Evil

  3. Call to War

  4. Fire and Fury



Sea QuestCephalox the Cyber Squid

  1. Cephalox the Cybersquid

  2. Silda the Electric Eel

  3. Manak the Silent Predator

  4. Kraya the Blood Shark

  5. Shredder the Spider Droid

  6. Stinger the Sea Phantom

  7. Crusher the Creeping Terror

  8. Mangler the Dark Menace

  9. Tetrax the Swamp Crocodile

  10. Nephro the Ice Lobster

  11. Fanaria the Savage Sea Shark

  12. Chakrol the Ocean Hammer

Page last updated 20th February 2014
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