History Resources
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England's Past for Everyone - heritage lottery funded project that provides teaching resources and interactive activities that focus on English History
http://englandspastforeveryone.org.uk/schools -
Heritage Explorer - teaching resources, images and interactive activities on curriculum history topics, provided by English Heritage
www.heritage-explorer.co.uk -
School History
www.schoolhistory.co.uk -
Bedford Museum
www.museumeducation.bedford.gov.uk/bedfordbytes -
National Archives (can be used with whiteboards)
Education | The National Archives
The V&A Museum of Childhood - Victoria and Albert Museum's collection of childhood-related objects and artefacts, from the 1600s to the present day. Includes lots of general information and images of toys from the past plus some interactive activities for children. Although the site focusses on different aspects of childhood in history there is a large coverage of toys and games to support Keystage 1 Toys in History topic.
The Geffreye Museum of the Home - the website of the Geffreye Museum of the Home in London which has a Kids section and online educational activities that link to the Keystage 1 topic of Homes in History. Includes interactive and printable activities