Storysacks by Title T - Z

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Tallulah's AtishooTallulah's Atishoo
By Neil Griffiths

Tallulah loves the mud so much that one day she gets stuck.  When her friends try to pull her out the consequences are hilarious!
Price £20.00



Teddy Takes a TumbleTeddy Takes a Tumble
By Neil Griffiths
On their journey to Grandma's, Billy forgets to belt his teddy in his safety seat.
Price £20.00




The Tiger who Came to TeaThe Tiger Who Came to Tea
by Judith Kerr

Follows what happens when a tiger unexpectedly visits and eats everything in the house. The doorbell rings just as Sophie and her mummy are sitting down to tea. Who could it possibly be? What they certainly don't expect to see at the door is a big, furry, stripy tiger!
Price £20.00



The Train RideThe Train Ride
by June Crebbin

Enjoy this memorable train journey which encourages the use of sound effects and role play.
Price £20.00




The Ugly DucklingUgly Duckling
Born with grey feathers and a scrawny looking body, the ugly duckling looks different from his brothers and sisters.  Rejected and miserable, he spends the long, cold winter alone, until spring arrives and brings with it the most wonderful surprise!
Price £20.00




The Very Hungry CaterpillarVery Hungry Caterpillar
by Eric Carle

Follows a caterpillar's strange diet as it metamorphoses into a butterfly.
Price £15.00



Walter's Windy Washing line - NEW!
by Neil Griffiths

Explore numbers and the broader maths curriculum as Walter recovers the washing.


We're Going on a Bear Hunt
By Michael Rosen
Go on a bear hunt with this still popular classic!
Price £20.00




We're Sailing Down the NileWe're Sailing Down the Nile
By Laurie Krebs and Anne Wilson

Take a journey along the River Nile and enjoy the different sights of Egypt.  A colourful book written in rhyme.
Price £15.00




Whatever Next
by Jill Murphy

A bear imagines a trip to the moon, using household objects. The moon and back before bathtime? Whatever next! Join Baby Bear as he finds a rocket, makes friends with an owl and has a picnic on the moon!
Price £15.00



Where the Wild Things AreWhere The Wild Things Are
by Maurice Sendak

The story of Max's adventures when he sails away to the land where the Wild Things are
Price £10.00




Winnie WagtailWinnie Wagtail
by Neil Griffiths

When Winnie's tail won't wag her mum tells her to stop trying so hard. However, Winnie doesn't want to wait and wanders off to watch how the other animals move their tails.
Price £20.00




Winnie the WitchWinnie the Witch
By Valerie Thomas

Winnie lives in a black house, with a black carpet, black chairs, black everything, including the cat!  So Winnie uses her magic to to make sure she can see Wilbur with hilarious consequences. 
Price £20.00




Page last updated 4th July 2016
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