Lower | Middle | Upper | Special | Independent | Taster | Storysacks | Pay As You Go
Lower and Special Schools
The prices for these packages are based on the number of children on the school roll in January of each year. Please contact us for the price for your school.
Comprehensive Packages
Comprehensive Package 1
a bulk loan allocation of 3 books per child on roll (a minimum loan of 200 items applies)
- 1 project collection of up to 30 items per class per term (minimum of 4 projects per term)
- 2 half day sessions of advice and support
- 4 Storysacks per term
- delivery and collection service
- access to the subscribers area of our website
Comprehensive Package 2
- a bulk loan allocation of 3 books per child on roll (a minimum loan of 200 items applies)
- 1 project collection of up to 30 items per class per term (minimum of 4 projects per term)
- 60 extra bulk loan books
- 4 Storysacks per term
- delivery and collection service
- access to the subscribers area of our website
Comprehensive Package 3
- a bulk loan allocation of 3 books per child on roll (a minimum loan of 200 items applies)
- 1 project collection of up to 30 items per class per term (minimum of 4 projects per term)
- 6 extra project collections during the subscription period
- 4 Storysacks per term
- delivery and collection service
- access to the subscribers area of our website
Partial Packages
Partial Package 1
- a bulk loan allocation of 1.5 books per child on roll (NB no minimum loan applies)
- 1 project collection of up to 15 items per class per term
- 1 half day sessions of advice and support
- 2 Storysacks per term
- delivery and collection service
- access to the subscribers area of our website
Partial Package 2
- a bulk loan allocation of 1.5 books per child on roll (NB no minimum loan applies)
- 1 project collection of up to 15 items per class per term
- 30 extra bulk loan books
- 2 Storysacks per term
- delivery and collection service
- access to the subscribers area of our website
Partial Package 3
- a bulk loan allocation of 1.5 books per child on roll (NB no minimum loan applies)
- 1 project collection of up to 15 items per class per term
- 3 extra project collections during the subscription period
- 2 Storysacks per term
- delivery and collection service
- access to the subscribers area of our website
Middle Schools
The prices for these packages are based on the number of children on the school roll in January of each year. Please contact us for the price for your school.
Comprehensive Packages
Comprehensive Package 1
a bulk loan allocation of 3 books per child on roll (a minimum loan of 200 items applies)
- 1 project collection of up to 30 items per class per term (minimum of 4 projects per term)
- 2 half day sessions of advice and support
- delivery and collection service
- access to the subscribers area of our website
Comprehensive Package 2
- a bulk loan allocation of 3 books per child on roll (a minimum loan of 200 items applies)
- 1 project collection of up to 30 items per class per term (minimum of 4 projects per term)
- 60 extra bulk loan books
- delivery and collection service
- access to the subscribers area of our website
Comprehensive Package 3
- a bulk loan allocation of 3 books per child on roll (a minimum loan of 200 items applies)
- 1 project collection of up to 30 items per class per term (minimum of 4 projects per term)
- 6 extra project collections during the subscription period
- delivery and collection service
- access to the subscribers area of our website
Partial Packages
Partial Package 1
- a bulk loan allocation of 1.5 books per child on roll (NB no minimum loan applies)
- 1 project collection of up to 15 items per class per term
- 1 half day sessions of advice and support
- delivery and collection service
- access to the subscribers area of our website
Partial Package 2
- a bulk loan allocation of 1.5 books per child on roll (NB no minimum loan applies)
- 1 project collection of up to 15 items per class per term
- 30 extra bulk loan books
- delivery and collection service
- access to the subscribers area of our website
Partial Package 3
- a bulk loan allocation of 1.5 books per child on roll (NB no minimum loan applies)
- 1 project collection of up to 15 items per class per term
- 3 extra project collections during the subscription period
- delivery and collection service
- access to the subscribers area of our website
Taster Packages for Lower, Middle and Special Schools
Taster Package 1
a bulk loan allocation of 150 items
- 2 project collections per term with up to 30 items in each
- delivery and collection service
- access to the subscribers area of our website
Taster Package 2
- a bulk loan allocation of 150 items
- delivery and collection service
- access to the subscribers area of our website
Taster Package 3
- 2 project collections per term with up to 30 items in each
- delivery and collection service
- access to the subscribers area of our website
new Storysack package gives you the chance to borrow 2 Storysacks per term for a
fixed annual price.
A Storysack is a large bag full of wonderful resources to stimulate reading activities. Each sack, delivered in a box, contains a good quality book, and a range of supporting materials, which may include puppets, toys, games, cassettes or CDs. Our list of Storysacks includes Handa's Surprise, The Gruffalo, Jack and the Beanstalk and many more.
Each Storysack is loaned for a term and the price includes delivery and collection.
Pay As You Go
You can build your own package using the services listed below - contact us on 01234 228755 or e-mail us at
Bulk loans
Historical Costumes
Project collections
Advice and Support
Upper Schools
Bulk Loan
Keystage 3 bulk loan bundles - each bundle contains 100 books suitable for Keystage 3 on loan to the school for the subscription period. Books can be changed at any time during the subscription period and any number of bundles can be purchased according to the needs of the school. Contact us to discuss your options.
Fiction Collections
- 1 collection of 30 new teenage fiction books per term, a total of 3 annually
Independent Schools
The prices for these packages are based on the number of children enrolled. Please contact us for the price for your school.
Comprehensive Package
a bulk loan allocation of 3 books per child enrolled
- 1 project collection of up to 30 items for each 30 pupils enrolled per term
- delivery and collection service
- access to the subscribers area of our website
Partial Package
- a bulk loan allocation of 1.5 books per child enrolled
- 1 project collection of up to 15 items for each 30 pupils enrolled per term
- delivery and collection service
- access to the subscribers area of our website
Pay As You Go
All services can be purchased individually on a pay as you go basis. Contact us for prices.