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Tudors and Elizabeth I

Henry VIII
Interesting facts about Henry VIII, his life, his six wives and his children.

Mary Rose
Excellent site on the Mary Rose. Lots of facts, figures and pictures plus KS2 resources and quizzes.

Shakespeare's Education and Childhood
Lots of info on Shakespeare's early life. Also links to other info, including his family, plays, the language he used and words he invented.[shakespeareeducation].html

The Tudors
Monarchy, society, food and costume.

Tudor England
Lots of information about England in Tudor times. Includes portraits, biographies and quizzes.

Tudor History
Henry VI, Henry VIII and his wives, Edward VI, Lady Jane Grey, Mary I and Elizabeth I.

William Shakespeare Biography
A biography of the famous playwright William Shakespeare.

William Shakespeare Timeline
A timeline of William Shakespeare's life and works.

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