Local History
Local and Family History A-Z
was life like in your village in the past? Who were the famous people in
Bedfordshire's history? What historic buildings are there in the county?
You can find a huge amount of information on this web site and in Bedford Borough and Central Bedfordshire libraries to help you answer such questions and explore all aspects of Bedfordshire's past.
What kind of resources give local history information?
- At the Local and family history A-Z you can discover the different types of resources available and where to find them
Where can I find Bedfordshire's local history online?
- At the People, Places and Subjects sections you can read articles on many topics and transcribed materials such as reminiscences and newspaper reports, and you can view digitised materials such as maps and photographs
- You can find many web sites on Bedfordshire's local history at the Bedfordshire and Bedfordshire towns and villages sections of Weblinks
What local history information do the libraries have?
- Bedfordshire libraries aim to collect as wide a range as possible of published material relating to Bedfordshire life
- The two main library collections are the county local studies collection at Bedford Central Library and the Bedfordshire Heritage Library
- At all other Bedford Borough and Central Bedfordshire libraries you can find local studies materials on the library's local area. See Local studies by library for details
- Search for books about Local History books on the online catalogue
How can I find more about local history in general?
- For sites dealing with local history in general see Weblinks' UK Local history section
- For books on carrying out local history, visit the online catalogue
What other local history information sources are there in Bedfordshire?
- Bedfordshire Archives and Records Service, which collects and preserves original historic and modern written evidence, maps and plans for Bedfordshire, including Luton
- The Historic Environment Record, the key source of information on Bedfordshire's 18,000+ archaeological sites and historic landscape features, buildings and structures
- The Higgins Museum and Luton Museums
Looking to join a local history organisation?
- Go to the Local Information Database and click 'Search' then click 'Subject'. From the drop-down menu click 'Local History'
Need further help?
- If you need help to find information, contact us
Page last updated: 9th June 2020