Local and Family History
Enquiry Tips
Enquiry tips
- If you send an enquiry at the weekend please note that our libraries are
closed on Sundays. We would therefore not be able to deal with your enquiry
until the following Monday
- You can find a great deal of information on the Virtual Library, including
concise information on popular topics, digitised information such as articles,
photographs and street directories, details of information held in the
libraries and links to useful web sites
- Please provide some background to your question. It would help us to know
which sources you have already used
- Local studies projects, essays and assignments - we can help by pointing you
to information sources on a particular topic but we cannot provide written
essays in answer to your questions
- Family history - whilst we can help with many specific family history
enquiries, we cannot undertake exhaustive genealogical research
- Maps - because of copyright restrictions we can only supply extracts from
maps that are no longer in copyright
Comments and suggestions
- You can use the
contact us online form to send us your comments and suggestions too. We
look forward to hearing from you!

Library contact details
and opening times
Page last updated: 7th April 2009