Abolition of the Slave Trade
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On 25th March 1807 the UK Parliament passed the 'Abolition of the Slave Trade Act', abolishing the slave trade throughout the British empire (although not abolishing slavery itself)
As a library member you can access a range of e-resources by logging in with your library card number and PIN.
Encyclopedia Britannica Online - for overview articles and more web links, search for the phrase 'slave trade' for example
- Times Digital Archive 1785 -2008 - search and read news items about the slave trade and about abolition debates and events as they were reported at the time
- Find out about Salim Charles Wilson (Hatashil Masha Kathish), the freed slave who lived in Pavenham at the end of the nineteenth century
In the Library
- Find books on the slave trade, abolition and the key people involved. Search Arena, the Library Catalogue to discover what is at your local library
Page last updated: 18th March 2021