Where can I find company share prices?
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Current share prices
You can find share prices online, although there is usually a charge for real time prices. For some web sites that give share prices free after a short delay, see the Statistics and Prices section on WebLinks
Past share prices
- Several years of share prices are given free at Yahoo Finance. Find the company using the search function, then click 'Historical prices' in the menu on the company's page
- Up to ten years of share prices are availble free at the Morningstar site. Search for a company, click on the share prices tab, choose a timescale for the chart, then move your cursor over the chart to the date you need
- Share prices from 1975 are available in the Financial Times newspaper at Bedford Central Library
- The London Stock Exchange's historic price service (HPS) provides, for a fee, Daily Official List stock and share quotations for securities traded on the London Stock Exchange back to 1999
- For valuations for probate, see the HM Revenue and Customs guide to How to Value Stocks and Shares for Inheritance Tax.
Page last updated: 7th August 2020