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Howard, John

People > Howard, John

John Howard was born in Hackney, East London. As a young man he travelled to France where he was imprisoned.  It was this experience that made him consider the conditions in which prisoners were held.

In 1758 Howard returned to England and settled in Cardington, Bedfordshire. As a landowner he was philanthropic and enlightened, ensuring that his estate housing was of good standard and that the poor houses under his management were well run.

In 1773 he became High Sheriff of Bedfordshire.  On his appointment he began a tour of English prisons.  This led to two Acts of Parliament in 1774, making gaolers salaried officers and setting standards of cleanliness.  Howard also toured European prisons and after a tour in 1775 he published 'State of the Prisons in England and Wales, with an account of some Foreign Prisons' (1777).

Howard died of fever while visiting Russian military hospitals at Kherson in the Crimea.

Howard's work is continued today by the Howard League for Penal Reform.   

A copy of a first edition of John Howard's "The State of the Prisons in England and Wales with preliminary observations and an account of some foreign prisons" (1777) is held in The Heritage Library, Bedford Central Library.

Page last updated: 29th January 2014