High Street History
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The Shops
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- No.11 - Belfast Linen Warehouse, Drapers
- No. 13 - Arthur Day, Ladies' Outfitters
- Nos 19-21 - Palgraves, Druggists and Chemists
- Nos. 47-49 - John Bull, Jewellers & Silversmiths
- No.57 - Adkin and Sons, Gunsmiths
- No.63 - Laxtons, Seedsmen, Nurserymen & Florists
- No 63. - Laxton Bros, Bedford Ltd., Seedsmen, Nurserymen & Florists - Laxton Catalogues
- No. 105 - Careless, Bespoke Tailors
- No.107 - Goldings, Ironmongers
- No. 113 - Blotts, Drapers
- No.121 - The International Stores, Grocers
- Nos 34 - 36 - Dudeney & Johnston & Dujon Restaurant, Grocers, Provision Merchants, Bakers, Confectioners, Wine, Spirit and Beer Merchants
- No. 80 - Harrison and Simmonds, Tobacconist & Fancy Goods
- Nos. 86-88 - Hockliffes, Booksellers
- No.90 - C.F. Timeaus, Printer, Stationer, Bookseller and Newsagent
Page last updated: 29th January 2014