Log Book of the Biggleswade Urban District
Savings Committee for the Wings for Victory Campaign 1943
Places > Biggleswade > Second World War > Aircraft
During the Second World War revenue was raised for the maintenance of the
Army, Navy and Air Force through government savings schemes. Local Savings
Campaign Committees tried to encourage ordinary people to place their earnings
into Savings Stamps, Savings Certificates and Savings Bonds. During one week
each year the local committee would make a particularly concerted effort to
raise money. Campaigns included 'Wings for Victory', 'War Weapons Week' and
'Warship Week'.
In 1943, the Biggleswade Urban District Savings Committee was set the target of raising 40,000 for 'Wings for Victory' week. The Committee rose to the occasion collecting a magnificent 81,000 (the cost of two Lancaster Bombers). The achievement was marked by the presentation of a log book with operational flight details of Lancaster Bomber ME 626 and its crew. The original of this log book is now held by Bedfordshire Libraries.
The log book records nineteen missions over Europe during 1944 under Flight Officer Jackson and his crew. The targets included a sea dyke (in support of army operations), the Dortmund-Ems canal (an important supply route) gun positions and emplacements and Munster airfield.
During 1944 No. 57 Squadron, of which this Lancaster Bomber formed part, was based at East Kirkby Airfield, Lincolnshire. The airfield now houses an aviation museum and heritage centre which can be visited from Easter to November.
The crew flew their final recorded mission to Munich on the 27th November 1944.
The log book notes that the aircraft did not return. Investigation of the Commonwealth War Graves Commission web site does not however record the loss of the aircrew for this or the following year it is to be hoped that they made the journey home safely.
- Commonwealth War Graves Commission web site
- Log Book of the Biggleswade Urban District Savings Committee for the Wings for Victory Campaign 1943 with operational flight details of Lancaster Bomber ME 626 and its crew
Page last updated: 23rd January 2014