Natural History
Places > Bedfordshire > Natural History
The Natural History of Bedfordshire by W. Owen
The General Magazine of Arts and Sciences, Temple Bar, 1760.
Page 4

Page four is the start of a description of the principal towns and villages. Luton is noted for its markets (corn, poultry, straw hats) and its fairs. Dunstable has its Roman connections described including the finding of Madning Money (old Roman coins) as well as the nearby Maiden Bower camp. "The roads hereabouts are so broad, well beaten and plain, that is has given rise to the proverb "As plain as Dunstable Road." Dunstable is described a "populous town, and has several good inns". "The country about is woody...and it is remarked, that the larks taken in this neighbourhood are the finest and largest in the Kingdom."
Page last updated: 23rd Janaury 2014