The Great Flood
of 1607
Places > Bedford > Weather
Extract from "A true Report of certain wonderful Overflowings of Waters in Somerset, Norfolk, and other parts of England, A.D. 1607" edited by Mr. Ernest E. Baker (in Bedfordshire Notes and Queries, p. 351)
"The fift of October about midnight, the Water overflowed so much, that men were faine to forsake their beds, and one woman drowned. Were also were lost a great numer of Sheepe, Oxen, Kine, Horse, and other Cattell. Amongst other there, one maister Cartwrite gentleman, having his house inclosed round about, the water came in so much, that a cart being lode with Thorns, did swim about the ground. He lost by the same floud, Sheepe and other Cattell, to the value of an hundred pound. The same gentleman had a close gate by the high wayes side, where the water ran over so extreamely, that at the fal thereof it made such a hole, that it was fortie feet deepe, so that no man could pass that way without great danger. To the filling up of the sayd Hole, or Pit was cast in by the men of the sayd Towne 25 loads of faggots and Horse-dung filed not up the hole.
Also one master Lee, at the Freers in Bedford having fayre garde, wherein was great store of Elme-trees, whereof three score were bloune doune. Also he had a close of conies that were cleane destroyed."
Extract from "A true Report of certain wonderful Overflowings of Waters in Somerset, Norfolk, and other parts of England, A.D. 1607" edited by Mr. Ernest E. Baker (in Bedfordshire Notes and Queries, p. 351)
Page last updated: 22nd January 2014