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George Shephard Johns George Shephard JohnsGeorge - An Evacuee's Story
Pamphlet about the Government Evacuation Scheme - Page Four

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Pamphlet about the Government Evacuation Scheme

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Transcript of Page Four

Helpers Wanted

Many voluntary helpers are needed in case it should ever be necessary to put into force the scheme outlined in the foregoing paragraphs.  The volunteers are wanted;_

  1. To accompany parties from assembly points to entraining stations, or
  2. To do the foregoing and to accompany parties into the Reception Areas and stay there, either for a few days or for an indefinite period at the choice of the volunteer, or
  3. To lend and drive cars.

The essential qualities in a helper accompanying a party are common-sense, kindliness, and a cool head in an emergency.

Suitable adults are invited to volunteer for this very important form of National Service.  Not everyone can be an Air Raid Warden, or drive an ambulance, or many an auxiliary fire engine, but here is a form of service of which many are capable and which should have a wide appeal.  For escorting certain of the parties, women will be particularly suitable.

People of goodwill, who regard themselves as suitable for this service, are invited to write for an enrolment form to the Evacuation Officer, Education Offices, West Bromwich.


If it is of no service to you, please pass it to someone who will be interested.

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Page last updated:25t February 2014