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Charlotte's Web by E B WhiteHopefully you enjoyed the book, but how well did you read it? See if you answer these questions:
Not read it yet? Read Charlotte's Web now.

See if you can answer these quiz questions.

  1. Why does Mr Arable want to kill Wilbur, the piglet, when he is born?
  2. How does Fern feed the piglet?
  3. What does Wilbur like to eat?
  4. What doesn't Wilbur like about Charlotte's eating habits?
  5. Which animal repeats every word it says?
  6. What is the rat that lives in the barn called?
  7. What is the first thing Charlotte writes in the web?
  8. What were the other 3 words she wrote to describe Wilbur in her lifetime?
  9. How many eggs did Charlotte lay?
  10. With what is Wilbur washed before the fair?
  11. Which very large pig won the first prize at the fair?
  12. Name Charlotte's 3 daughters that stayed behind to live in the barn.

Click here for the answers


Charlotte uses some very long and clever words in her everyday speech. Can you find out what the following words mean and try to use them yourself in a sentence.
(People will think you are very clever!)



IAdjectives are describing words. Think of the adjectives that Charlotte wrote in her web to describe Wilbur – radiant, terrific, humble. Are these words you would usually use to describe a pig? Can you think of more suitable adjectives to describe a pig?
What adjectives would you use to describe the following animals: monkey, lion, giraffe, camel?



Be a spider sleuth. As a spider, Charlotte is a member of the arachnid family. She teaches Wilbur many things about spiders: what they eat, how they spin their webs, how they lay their eggs, and finally, how they die.
Find out all you can about the spider’s life cycle and either write it down or present it in picture form.


How to make a (not very) scary pipe cleaner spiders. You will need:

  • Spider and web4 black /brown pipe cleaners
  • A pair of googly eyes (or make your own from card)
  • Glue
  • Scissors

To make it:

  1. Cut 2 of the pipe cleaners in half to make 4 smaller lengths, and bunch them together
  2. Wrap the other 2 full size pipe cleaners around the centre of the bunch to make the spider’s body.
  3. You now have a body and 4 straight legs on each side. Shape each leg by bending twice and fanning out the legs.
  4. Glue on your eyes and Hey presto – a spider!

Why not make a web out of wool or string on which your spider could live!


Design a campaign poster to stop Wilbur being killed for the Zuckerman’s Christmas dinner. Try to use some of the adjectives used to describe him in the book.

Quiz Answers

  1. Why does Mr Arable want to kill Wilbur, the piglet, when he is born? He is the runt of the litter
  2. How does Fern feed the piglet? With a baby's bottle
  3. What does Wilbur like to eat? Warm slops
  4. What doesn't Wilbur like about Charlotte's eating habits? She traps flies in her web and then sucks their blood
  5. Which animal repeats every word it says? Goose
  6. What is the rat that lives in the barn called? Templeton
  7. What is the first thing Charlotte writes in the web? "some pig"
  8. What were the other 3 words she wrote to describe Wilbur in her lifetime? "radiant", "terrific" and "humble"
  9. How many eggs did Charlotte lay? 514
  10. With what is Wilbur washed before the fair? Buttermilk
  11. Which very large pig won the first prize at the fair? Uncle
  12. Name Charlotte's 3 daughters that stayed behind to live in the barn. Nellie, Aranea, Joy


Page last updated: 13th July 2020