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Bookstart Bear Visits The Library

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bookstart bear arrives in his car at the library

Today was an exciting day for Bookstart Bear.....he was going to join the library!

bookstart bear arrives at the library
bookstart bear joins the library

Bookstart Bear filled in a form for his free library card

bookstart bear with his library card

......and here it is!

bookstart bear reads a book

There were so many books to choose from

bookstart bear with friends

........and Bookstart Bear loved rhyme time where he sang fun nursery rhymes and songs with his friends!

bookstart bear with bookstart plus pack

It was a wonderful surprise to be given a free Bookstart pack!

bookstart bear borrows books

The Bookstart Bear loves his new library card and can borrow 10 books at a time!

bookstart bear says bye Bookstart Bear is heading home after a fun-packed day at the library.....

Maybe you would like to join your local library today?
 Its free and you could be having as much fun as the Bookstart Bear!

Page last updated: 25th October 2013