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2001 Travel to Work: Bedford Borough Rural Wards

Below are links to tables which show where the people living in Bedford Borough Wards work (residence-based), and where the people working in Bedford Borough Wards live (workplace-based).

To OPEN a file click on the Icon
To SAVE as an Excel file, right-click on the Icon and select Save Target As .
Residence Based
Workplace Based
MS EXCEL version
MS EXCEL version
Bromham Excel spreadsheet Excel spreadsheet
Carlton Excel spreadsheet Excel spreadsheet
Clapham Excel spreadsheet Excel spreadsheet
Eastcotts Excel spreadsheet Excel spreadsheet
Great Barford Excel spreadsheet Excel spreadsheet
Harrold Excel spreadsheet Excel spreadsheet
Oakley Excel spreadsheet Excel spreadsheet
Riseley Excel spreadsheet Excel spreadsheet
Roxton Excel spreadsheet Excel spreadsheet
Sharnbrook Excel spreadsheet Excel spreadsheet
Turvey Excel spreadsheet Excel spreadsheet
Wilshamstead Excel spreadsheet Excel spreadsheet
Wootton Excel spreadsheet Excel spreadsheet

For further information, please contact the relevant unitary authority:
Bedford Borough: intelligence@bedford.gov.uk
Central Bedfordshire: insight@centralbedfordshire.gov.uk
Updated 30th June 2010