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Key Statistics 2 -Bedfordshire Wards

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Table TitleNumber
ks01Usual resident population Excel spreadsheet Excel spreadsheet
ks02Age structure Excel spreadsheet Excel spreadsheet
ks03Living arrangements Excel spreadsheet Excel spreadsheet
ks04Marital status Excel spreadsheet Excel spreadsheet
ks05Country of birth Excel spreadsheet Excel spreadsheet
ks06 Ethnic group Excel spreadsheet Excel spreadsheet
ks07 Religion Excel spreadsheet Excel spreadsheet
ks08 Health and provision of unpaid care Excel spreadsheet Excel spreadsheet
ks09A Economic Activity - all Excel spreadsheet Excel spreadsheet
ks09B Economic Activity - males Excel spreadsheet Excel spreadsheet
ks09C Economic Activity - females Excel spreadsheet Excel spreadsheet
ks10 Hours worked Excel spreadsheet Excel spreadsheet
ks11A Industry of employment - all Excel spreadsheet Excel spreadsheet
ks11B Industry of employment - males Excel spreadsheet Excel spreadsheet
ks11C Industry of employment - females Excel spreadsheet Excel spreadsheet
ks12A Occupation groups - all Excel spreadsheet Excel spreadsheet
ks12B Occupation groups - males Excel spreadsheet Excel spreadsheet
ks12C Occupation groups - females Excel spreadsheet Excel spreadsheet
ks13 Qualifications and students Excel spreadsheet Excel spreadsheet
ks14A NS-Socio-economic Classification - all Excel spreadsheet Excel spreadsheet
ks14B NS-Socio-economic Classification - males Excel spreadsheet Excel spreadsheet
ks14C NS-Socio-economic Classification - females Excel spreadsheet Excel spreadsheet
ks15 Travel to Work Excel spreadsheet Excel spreadsheet
ks16 Household spaces and accommodation type Excel spreadsheet Excel spreadsheet
ks17 Cars or vans Excel spreadsheet Excel spreadsheet
ks18 Tenure Excel spreadsheet Excel spreadsheet
ks19 Rooms, amenities, central heating and lowest floor level Excel spreadsheet Excel spreadsheet
ks20 Household composition Excel spreadsheet Excel spreadsheet
ks21 Households with Limiting Long Term Illness, and dependent children Excel spreadsheet Excel spreadsheet
ks22 Lone parent households with dependent children Excel spreadsheet Excel spreadsheet
ks23Communal establishment residents Excel spreadsheet Excel spreadsheet
ks24Migration Excel spreadsheet Excel spreadsheet

Source - 2001 Census. Crown Copyright 2003.

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For further information, please contact the relevant unitary authority:
Bedford Borough: intelligence@bedford.gov.uk
Central Bedfordshire: insight@centralbedfordshire.gov.uk
Updated 30th June 2010