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Table number | Description |
S062 | Household composition by number of cars or vans available |
S119 | Sex and age by method of travel to work |
S121 | Sex and distance travelled to work by method of travel to work (resident population) |
S129 | Sex and distance travelled to work by method of travel to work (workplace population) |
Table S062 |  | VIEW | MS EXCEL VERSION |
Household composition by number of cars or vans available
Bedfordshire | | |
Bedford Borough | | |
Mid Bedfordshire | | |
South Bedfordshire | | |
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Table S119 |  | VIEW | MS EXCEL VERSION |
Sex and age by method of travel to work
See Also:
Bedfordshire | | |
Bedford Borough | | |
Mid Bedfordshire | | |
South Bedfordshire | | |
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Table S121 |  | VIEW | MS EXCEL VERSION |
Sex and distance travelled to work by method of travel to work (resident population)
Bedfordshire | | |
Bedford Borough | | |
Mid Bedfordshire | | |
South Bedfordshire | | |
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Table S129 |  | VIEW | MS EXCEL VERSION |
Sex and distance travelled to work by method of travel to work (workplace population)
Bedfordshire | | |
Bedford Borough | | |
Mid Bedfordshire | | |
South Bedfordshire | | |
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Updated 30th June 2010
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