SQL Error: E_US09C5 line 1, Syntax error on 'EOF'. The correct syntax is: SELECT [ALL|DISTINCT] target_list FROM table(s) [WHERE search_cond Can't open file /var/tmp/caa8Aa38j to read : Information - About Bedfordshire Libraries - The Virtual Library

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SQL Error: E_US09C5 line 1, Syntax error on '='. The correct syntax is: SELECT [ALL|DISTINCT] target_list FROM table(s) [WHERE search_cond] Can't open file /var/tmp/daa9Aa38j to read

SQL Error: E_US0B5A line 1, There is no such function as 'in'. (Sat Apr 20 04:32:09 2024) Can't open file /var/tmp/eaa.Aa38j to read

SQL Error: E_US09C5 line 1, Syntax error on '='. The correct syntax is: SELECT [ALL|DISTINCT] target_list FROM table(s) [WHERE search_cond] Can't open file /var/tmp/faa_Aa38j to read

SQL Error: E_US0B5A line 1, There is no such function as 'in'. (Sat Apr 20 04:32:09 2024) Can't open file /var/tmp/gaaaBa38j to read

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SQL Error: E_US09C5 line 1, Syntax error on '='. The correct syntax is: SELECT [ALL|DISTINCT] target_list FROM table(s) [WHERE search_cond] Can't open file /var/tmp/haabBa38j to read


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SQL Error: E_US0836 line 1, Column 'and' not found in any specified table. (Sat Apr 20 04:32:09 2024)